Looking for help with Workday? 

The quickest, most efficient way to access Workday support is to submit a Workday support request through Get Workday Support in the UBC Self Service Portal. See Workday Support for more details about Workday support. For other inquiries, see below.

Get Workday Support

Contacting the ISC

Outside of accessing Workday support or requesting an enhancement to Workday, current UBC employees can also contact the ISC directly. Please reach out to us if:

  1. You want to collaborate with us on a Workday-related project or initiative. The ISC welcomes opportunities to collaborate with departments and units across UBC on continuous improvement, learning, and best practices. See our key contacts below for who to contact.
  2. You need to escalate a Workday support ticket or issue. If you have an urgent issue or need to quickly follow up on a submitted request, you can contact the ISC Service Centre by phone: 604-822-8200 (UBC Vancouver) or 250-807-8163 (UBC Okanagan). Our phone hours are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm from Monday to Friday (except statutory holidays). Please see Workday support for details on what qualifies as an urgent issue. To escalate an urgent request that you have already submitted, you can also email one of the Service Desk Managers.

Please note: Some Workday support requests are directed to departments outside of the ISC, such as Central HR or Payroll Operations, depending on the nature of the inquiry. In these cases, the ISC can provide you with an update on your request status but cannot resolve your issue.

Key Contacts

Below is a list of contacts by role at the ISC and/or are of Workday. You can reach out to them directly when you want to connect with the ISC but do not need Workday support

Service Desk ManagersDivya Shetty
Jimmy Gau
Cross-Functional Product Sustainment and Support ManagerTania Shepelskatania.shepelska@ubc.ca
HR Product ManagerEva Cheungeva.cheung@ubc.ca 
Finance Product ManagerTim Barrtim.barr@ubc.ca 
Payroll Product ManagerStanley Laustanley.lau@ubc.ca 
Student Product ManagerGeneva Changeneva.chan@ubc.ca 
Workday Configuration ManagerTolu Olonadetolu.olonade@ubc.ca 
Delivery ManagerGirish Ananthanarayanagirish.a@ubc.ca 
Workday Report & Data ManagerAnanya Naiduananya.naidu@ubc.ca 
Project ManagerFarhad Deboofarhad.deboo@ubc.ca 
Senior Product Manager, StudentBrian Pokojoybrian.pokojoy@ubc.ca
Senior Product Manager, HR/FIN/PayrollHenrik Agerskovhenrik.agerskov@ubc.ca 
Senior Manager, Service CentreVeekay Padhiveekay.padhi@ubc.ca 
Senior Manager, Change Management and CommunicationsRakhee Rajrakhee.raj@ubc.ca 
Director, Enterprise Automation and Solution Delivery (OCIO)Laleh Mosadeghlaleh.mosadegh@ubc.ca 
Senior Director, ISCHarjot Guramharjot.guram@ubc.ca 

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service. Checked Circle A solid styled icon from Orion Icon Library. Info Help A solid styled icon from Orion Icon Library. Mail A solid styled icon from Orion Icon Library. Question A solid styled icon from Orion Icon Library. Icon Star A solid styled icon from Orion Icon Library. Timing A solid styled icon from Orion Icon Library. Important Warning A solid styled icon from Orion Icon Library. Warning A solid styled icon from Orion Icon Library.